Oh The Shame!
There are few things that annoy more than reading either a sex toy review or adult themed blog and encountering certain words. While I understand the writers desire to not alienate readers at the very least they could stick to proper terms for anatomy then. For me it comes across as highly immature when reading a review of a vibrator or cock ring. Hell I have even encountered a few writers who employ the use of cutesie terms and/or euphemisms for sex acts. If as a sex writer/sex toy reviewer you find yourself shying away from using even proper words such as vagina, penis, testicles, clitoris and nipples then you should really take a step back and rethink the whole writing thing.
Reviews and articles are
meant to convey some form of information in regards to the proper use
and or experience of the writer. It is meant to help the reader
either make a choice to purchase or not or to educate them on sexual
health and well being. It is not meant to resemble a poorly written
“erotic” novel meant for bored woman, or a lecture from an
elderly aunt. So please, at the very least try to come across as an
educated and mature adult as you write.
A list of some of the
offending terms I have encountered. This list is in no order of
- lady/male bits
- tender bits
- nub
- sensitive button
- his parts
- back hole (instead of actually saying anus)
- vajayjay
- Your you know what (yes I actually saw that in a review once ~growls~)
- lovehole
- hole
- nether region
- down below
- member
- dangly bits
- privates
- doing the deed
- sweaty time
- little swimmers (used in a post in regards to oral sex)
- white stuff (used in a review of a male masturbation sleeve)
- hoohaw
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